Gummies can be cut in half and taken as a half dose.
If you have never taken 5-HTP before, your brain will be getting a boost of serotonin and it can, in some people, for the first few days, make you alert instead of sleepy. You can also have some quite vivid dreams. After 5-7 days, this generally ceases, as your mind absorbs the hemp and 5-htp, and you will begin to feel calm and your sleep patterns will improve.
For others that wake during the night to go to the toilet etc, and then can’t get back to sleep, sometimes a top up of half a gummy will resolve that issue. Naturally don’t take it to close to when you need to wake up, otherwise you might feel a bit groggy.
For inflammation you can take a 1/2-1 in the daytime, just test it on a non work day to begin with.
These gummies are NOT RECOMMENDED for those that are pregnant or breastfeeding, have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, epileptic and downs syndrome. For all other medical conditions please consult your doctor prior to use.
For more information on the benefits and uses of these products, please visit the makers website